The College Campus
Michelangelo college of creative Arts, is situate 15 miles in Kisubi Mission village along the Kampala-Entebbe road. It owns over 15 acres of land on which administrative, Lecture & studio buildings and other facilities are situated. These include; Library, Art Gallery, ICT centre, lecture halls, Studios and students hostels. The college is in process of establishing Art study centres and Art training workshops throughout the country.
There are college private hostels known as Sophia hostels for female students. In addition, there are private students’ hostels both for male and female students; the hostels are associated and recommended by the college (MCCA).
The Dean of students works hand in hand with both the students and the hostel custodians and private hostel owners or managers to ensure good accommodation facilities for the college students.
MCCA Students Guild
The students Guild is the body of all students of the college. It is governed by a guild president, vice guild president, Guild speaker and other council members. The Guild seeks to promote the general welfare of students in all aspects of life at the college. Students pay Guild fee to facilitate the students guild activities.
Students Health Services
The college works hand in hand with two hospitals i.e Kisubi Hospital and Entebbe Grade B Hospital which are in the distance of less than 5 minute drive from the main campus.
College Religious life
Whereas the college is a Catholic founded institution, students have freedom of worship. Every Tuesdays we celebrate the Eucharist at the college. However, 5 days of the week are considered working days for purposes of lectures and examinations.
MCCA Art Gallery
Michelangelo College of Creative Arts has an Art Gallery situated at the second floor of the Administration Block with a variety of students & staff work on display, where some of wh, Kampala Entebbe Highway.
MCCA Art Stationery shop
The college has a stationery shop where the MCCA community and visitors can buy a variety of Art materials and stationery items.
MCCA Postal, Telephone and Internet Services
There are postal, telephone, email and fax facilities within the college and its neighborhood. Students are also free to acquire their own mobile telephones, mobile money and internet services.
The College canteen
There is a two college canteens where meals & drinks are served at modest charges. In addition there are other eating & recreational places in the neighborhoods of the college.
MCCA Sports & Recreation
The college owns facilities & offers opportunities in a wide range of sports and recreations. These include play grounds for football, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball, and other indoor games. Other recreational activities includes both social and academic clubs, social activities, music festivals, cultural events and Art exhibitions.
Students normally take part in these activities from 5:00p.m to 7:00p.m during week days and from 8:00a.m to 6:00p.m on weekends. The College sports teams have participated in both community & national games.